Around your skin, I tie and untie mine

    True beauty is something more than meets the eye. However, if you’re deep down in the whirlpool of regular clients meet-ups, Hollywood red-carpet, follow-up impression, or even dating in the zone of Britney territory, that says putting on tons and tons of make up and you think to yourself: Cleansing tone will do the job, leave the rest to water. Bad news: you’re unaware that you’re killing your skin by strangling your skin cells and all tiny little helpful molecules.


    Over the time, your wake-up call tunes in to “Hello acne, blackheads, and oily skin”. There’s one thing for sure will happen: you call the makeup police and ask them to cover you by creating layers and layers of makeup for your witness protection. Will this work? The answer is no. You can not hide under the coverage of makeup, you need to peel layer by layer and root for yourself. By what you mean? By defending for your own sake with makeup-free and healthy skin.


    First off, let’s start with how we can identify different types of skin:

   Skin has 4 basic types. The different skin types should have different treatments to achieve healthy beautiful skin. Using a proper method of skin care is very important for every skin type.


     Normal skin usually has the appropriate balance between mucus and moisture, in order for it to not be greasy or dry. Most normal skin type possesses a clean and healthy looking. Normal skin, however, often still needs a good skin care regime, but less than other skin types.


    Dry skin can not retain moisture like normal skin does. It can peekaboo you by becoming easy to get peeled off with the existence of many fine lines and grooves. Therefore, maintaining the habit of using skin moisturizer regularly can contribute significantly to dry skin care.


    Oily skin, on the other hand, has super duper intimidating sebum that creates excess oil on the skin surface. Oily skin often causes acne. Cleansing skin, as a matter of fact, is essential.


   Combination skin is a combination of oily skin and dry skin. The forehead, nose and chin are the realms where oil conquer, while the cheeks and other areas succumb to yearly droughts. Each region should have its own formula when it all comes to skin care regime.


    In order to prepare for come what may, we should read the label of every skin type and treat it accordingly.


   Keeping your skin healthy does not necessarily mean using expensive skin care products. Here are some few tips for using natural nutrients to boost skin up.


1. Food for healthy skin


   One of the skin care tips is to eat healthy foods contained proper nutrients. These following are the best foods for your skin:


Foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids (salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines)

Foods that contain Vitamin A or beta-carotene (sweet potatoes, carrots, mangoes, spinach)

Foods that contain a lot of zinc (beef, peanuts, pumpkin)

Fresh fruit and vegetables




2. Moisturizing


     Keeping the skin moist is very important, especially for dry skin. Drinking plenty of water is one way to maintain skin moisture. Water can also help lead to skin nutrients. To our nearest and dearest, avoid dehydrating drinks such as soft drinks, coffee and alcoholic beverages (wine and beer). Cold weather and hot water can also blow away the skin, so try to avoid the contact as much as possible. Those with dry skin should use sunscreen regularly, even just during the winter.


3. Sleep goes hand in hand with skin rejuvenation


    A good night’s sleep plays a very important role to skin care regime. Once we sleep, self-adjusting skin rejuvenation will be activated, the cells therefore will be restored. Sleep is instrumental because it is the time for skin recovery and regeneration after a long day. For healthy skin, you should sleep at least 7 hours per day. Makeup can affect skin regeneration process, so remove it before hitting sweet dreams.


4. Using natural products


    These products support the natural skin by helping it become stronger while fighting against the signs of aging. They can also reduce some of common skin problems.


Primrose Oil


Vitamin A

Vitamin E

Zinc (helps improve skin lesions)


5. Anti-Aging Tips


Avoid direct exposure to the sun, use sunscreen and cover your skin regularly.

Avoid skin contact with sources of heat (including hot water).

Regular facial massage

Say no to smoking